A2 VR - Virtual Reality Services

Virtual Reality in Advertisement and Marketing
We utilize virtual reality technology to provide futuristic advertising and marketing services.
To understand the concept of this service, let us consider an example. Users visit a property for their needs. At that moment, they are in a state of mind where they spend money and make purchases. They may even buy products and services they do not require at that moment, owing to that state of mind. While visiting a property for some purpose, If users find some offers or promotions related to the same purpose, they are more likely to avail it, as compared to getting that offer when they are away from the offer location. We have utilized this psychological fact in creating this service.
In our other services, users virtually visit a property. They feel like they are present in the property. Users also use our services in on-site mode, when they are present in the property. In both cases, they navigate using our services. Whenever they browse near the location of an offer of promotion, the same is made available to them in the most exciting form. Since the purpose of users while visiting the property is quite similar to the offers, they are more likely to avail that offer.
We would provide users a dashboard to create their offers and promotions. They would get options for visual presentation of the proposals. Users can also use our assistance in creating these offers and promotions and presenting them.