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Virtual Reality Websites

We create highly immersive virtual reality websites where the user is placed inside the website itself. Content of the website is presented a 3D digital space, all around the user, and a suitable environment is created to match the content. Users can walk around the website and access the material surrounding them. Navigation controls are straightforward, and non-technical users can access any content by a gesture.


Websites in virtual reality formats are coming up in a big way. Someday, most of the websites might be a virtual reality format.

To know what is a virtual reality website, let us discuss briefly by quoting an example. Let’s say we have a hotel and we want to make a website. The usual format would be to click pictures and videos of the hotel and put them on the website. Then we add content and services. In a virtual reality website, we create a digital model of the whole hotel complex. Our models are in two formats. The first one is a three-dimensional digital mesh. This model is like recreating a complete hotel digitally. The second format is a raster model made up of real 360 panoramic visuals. The first model is particularly suitable in cases where a new hotel building is coming up or where a 3D model of the hotel already exists. We then work on this model. We can even scan a real hotel building and make a digital 3D mesh. That requires special equipment and techniques. The second model is suitable for existing buildings. In the second model, there would be absolutely no difference in the digital model and actual hotel.

Once the model is ready, we add multiple levels of data and information. This is different from a routine website. For example, in the reception foyer of the hotel, we would mark information about all the facilities around. We would provide information which is generally available at the reception desk. Users can make a reservation and other inquiries just like they can do at the reception desk in a real hotel.


Similarly, we associate information and details in every visual. This detail could be up to an extent, depending upon the client’s discretion and requirement.

Next, we add the usual content of a regular website. Once our website is ready, users can actually enter the website the way they enter the hotel. The find the entire hotel around them. They can navigate into the hotel by walking around. They can use various navigation menus to locate multiple services available. Users can take a complete tour of the hotel while sitting at their places.

Our service can also be used as an on-site navigation tool. Since we can convert this service to a mobile app, users can use this for real-time navigation inside the hotel. Combined with our Indoor Navigation services, it becomes an excellent navigation tool and a digital guide.

Our website can also be used effectively as a disaster management tool. Users can find nearest safe exits in case of emergencies.

Hotel management can use this website for indirect advertisements and promotions. Whenever users navigate near any location of the hotel, both in off-site and on-site modes, offers and promotions associated with that location would be made available to them.

We can link 2D as well as 3D panoramic photographs of events in the photo gallery section. Similarly, we can add panoramic videos to give users a completely immersive experience of these events. We can even provide a real-time panoramic live broadcast of an event happening at the hotel, on the hotel website.

In addition to these virtual reality functions, typical aspects of a website work perfectly well.

Our virtual reality websites can also be used as an information tool available at information kiosks placed strategically around the hotel.

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