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Highways Visualization

Any highway project constitutes of a number of technical drawings and data. Often it is difficult to visualize a highway project in a real life-like scenario. Our virtual reality models provide real-time visualization of an upcoming highway project in relation to the actual ground conditions.


Our models are based on actual engineering data. As such they represent any highway project with true engineering details. Our models are ideal for project approval stages. We create a visualization of how a new highway project would look on the actual ground. They also help in analyzing the utility of these projects.


Our models can also be used for providing pre-bid information. Bidders can visualize any upcoming project to assess minute details before preparing the bids. After successful bids, these models can be used for the analysis of engineering details. Since we use virtual reality for creating these models VR headsets can be used to visualize these models for a truly immersive experience.


Our models are capable of providing a range of analyses. We can also use these models for progress reporting of any highway project.


We use GIS data to prepare our models. This makes it possible to represent true ground conditions. Whether it is an up-gradation of existing alignments or a new alignment our models help in the visualization of many parameters of the project. We can visualize the aesthetic elements of the project. We can visualize utility-based elements. We can also analyze the safety elements of the project.


Our models represent the true experience of driving through the upcoming project. This way we can analyze various parameters that users would experience when they use the real project. We can also analyze the connectivity parameters of the alignments. Even traffic flow can be analyzed using our models.


We can prepare multiple options for any project. This way optimization of the alignment is possible. Our models are designed using actual engineering data and design parameters. They depict closely how the real project would appear after completion. Various engineering elements can be visualized and analyzed using our models. We can easily change various elements of the project for optimization purposes. These models can also be used for optimum placement of road signage, information, and warnings. Highway plantation can also be designed using our models.


Our models provide shadow analysis which can be used for designing optimum landscaping and plantation. Our models represent habitations along the alignment in true forms. We can use these models to assess visual sound and pollution impact on these habitations. We can also use these models to assess the impact on natural drainage due to new alignments. The impact on wildlife can also be studied using these models. We can use these models to design safe alignment crossings for wildlife.


Our models can represent new alignments based on true geological data in terms of light, and the wind conditions on any day and time of the year. We can use these models to analyze the visual impact on the aesthetics of the entire area.


We can even change engineering designs to optimize aesthetical elements. These changes can be made in a short span of time in these models. To create these models, we require only the requirements. We can generate our own GIS data and provide you with various options for your project.


We have extensive experience in highway and infrastructure designing. We are capable of undertaking any highway project from preliminary design stages to execution and post-execution analysis stages. You can trust our experience and efficiency in providing optimum solutions for highway and infrastructure development.

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